Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Et tu quoque

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning and are often used in politics and marketing. But the question is why do people use this ridiculous preposterous piece of shit that is this logical fallacy and such a commonly used argument. It seems as though as a college student I find myself more and more repulsed that adulthood is very much like kindergarten but with smarter, bigger, more deceitful and awful people that can throw a lot more resources at the same damned issue. Henceforth I have come to inform you all, my dear logical readers, about the logical fallacy that is "Tu Quoque" pronounced "Too Kwo-kwee" this logical fallacy can be seen in many places from news, television, radio, politics, even your local pre-K will have examples of tu quoque floating all about the room of screaming children.
You see dear reader the logical fallacy of tu quoque has been imparted upon us since the very early times in our life when if we are faced with trouble and we can accuse the other person of the same error blame will inevitably be displaced. This means that to your smaller self gets away with whatever you did and don't have to deal with this anymore. Tu quoque is most often used in the world of politics. Picture it now a blue-suited, white-collared politician coming onto the stage prepped to speak about a very important world issue when, suddenly from the left appears a politician from an opposing part! *oh no!* The opposing politician asks the politician about money that has gone missing in a account the politician was handling when all of a sudden the politician blames the missing funds on the opposing politician! *gasp* This is only one of the many places that tu quoque invades our daily lives. What are some ways that you, my dear reader, are impacted by tu quoque?

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